05 February 2009

Sculpture class, week 5

The project was to make a sculpture that could move, and didn't fall apart when it wasn't. First we were introduced to the various materials. As soon as the chicken wire came out, an idea popped into my head - Inter"laced" chicken-wire chickens, with wings that flapped when they laid an egg. The wings to be covered in tissue paper ....

First, a jig so that all the wire chickens would be the same size -
Then, trying out the wrapping of the wire, and some possible wings. This wing was Mark One (and didn't fly) -
Putting them together, there were ends of wire everywhere. By the end of the class I hadn't had time to cover the wings - or even to make all the wings. And the shapes of the chickens rather disappeared. Can you see 4 chickens (and 2 wings) here? -
Or here? - People have had lots of suggestions on how this could be realised. As there isn't time to try out everyting, I'm still thinking about it. But maybe this is something that would work better in two dimensions.

1 comment:

Guzzisue said...

sorry,no four chickens but i can see a fish , head on with its fins sticking out :-) (top photo)