19 June 2015

Boating (etc) and another breakfast

Where to go for some active sport? To the boating lake in Tiergarten. What fun ... apart from the wonky oarlocks, which threw us off course rather and called for ingenuity as well as patience. Marie's "stop" manoeuvre was particularly impressive -
After which, an excursion to Prenzlauer Berg - taking the tram and then a lot of walking, including discovery of a cemetery 
 in which a meeting of the gardening club was going on -
 and then around the area, having a drink in the shadow of the historic water tower, the first in Berlin (now luxury apartments) -
 Among the nice little shops on the kempt streets, populated by young families, are spaces like this -
used as parks, rather than re-filled with apartment buildings.

After a long walk down Danziger Strasse, sausage and "pommes" at a stall under the U-bahn that's been serving curry-wurst for over 80 years (Eberswalder station "is known locally for Konnopke's currywurst stand underneath the track at the south end of the station. Konnopke's dates back to 1930 and is a Berlin institution" says wikipedia) -
Before our friends returned to London, we met for breakfast
 at the Literaturhaus, which is next door to the Kathe Kollwitz museum
but didn't get to the museum as Tony had to go back to the flat, and Marie and I had arranged to go shopping, or at least looking ... including quite some time spent in the Think shoes shop -

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