12 August 2008

Just 100 things

Could you get by in life if you owned just 100 things? This article explores the joys and dilemmas - and how to cheat. For instance, I count my many spools of thread as just one "thing."
Choose your categories and start counting!

And if it's a decluttering mantra you're after -- the best organising principle of all isn't "where should I put this" but -- "how can I get rid of this".


Rayna said...

Oh, ha ha, Margaret - this is the same trick pulled by the people in the queue at the grocery store ahead of me in the EXPRESS - 10 items only line. 12 green peppers= 1 item,
6 lemons= 1 item, and so on. I don't THINK so, and neither does the checkout person.

But I don't blame you one bit - I'd count all those threads as one, also.
Esp. if I already owned them!

sewkalico said...

This is my eternal lament, where to put things? (Or hide them!) The other day DH went nuts about the clutter and said it looks like we have bought at least one item a day for the last 20 years and we're trying to cram it all into this house!!