25 February 2009

Wordless Wednesday


Anonymous said...

That reminde me Brixton marquet, when you could by at the end of it, 2 coliflowers for the price of one, Then, we discoved, we could puck up on the floor, what marquet peoples would'nt take back.We where doing *exchange* of *patate douce* or other exotics vegetables that I would'nt be interested in that time,with Ilands ladies. No monney, B. was in art school, but we had great laught.We where going to Brixton cinéma, a jute bag full,lying on the wall. B. could'nt stop picking up. But we hah food for all the week. To start, i was a little shy,never see that in Switzerland.Now, probably lot of people doing that !love Béatrice.

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Anonymous said...

Hello Mane

Wanted to live a message earlyer, but no security letters appear.
Your picture reminde me: sitting on a cage (cajot), in the Barcelona' marquet, eating a big piece of water melon, we has better price at the end of this marquet. That was my 30th birthday dinner. No monney with B. but great fun. Meaby I wood 'nt never remember a classical birthday dinner, no ? Love. Béatrice.